With an attitude of wanting to be prepared for the unknown and for their peace of mind, an expectant couple chose to bank their child's cord blood, a decision that would prove life-changing 19 years later.

You may have heard of cord blood banking during your pregnancy but are unsure if it is right for you and your family. Let's dive deep into the subject of cord blood banking and discuss some lesser-known factors that can help you make an informed decision.

There are more than a million blood forming stem cells in a single typical full-term baby's umbilical cord blood.

There is often a long list of things to consider when preparing for the arrival of your little bundle of joy. If one of them is to protect the health of your loved ones, here are some reasons why you should store your baby's cord blood.

Do you want to know if the stem cells from your baby's umbilical cord blood can be used after a few years or if collecting your baby's cord blood during the COVID-19 pandemic is safe? We hope this post helps to dispel some of the common myths about cord blood banking and explains the facts.

It might get a little daunting when it comes to choosing a family cord blood bank. But fret not; here are some tips to guide you along. Look for a family cord blood bank that has been around the longest. This shows that they have experience and can be trusted to store your baby's stem cells in the right way.

Have you ever considered how motherhood changes your life? From the first second that you discovered you are carrying life within you, everything changes – your perspective, your priorities, and even your choices.

Preserving the blood from your baby's umbilical cord in a family cord blood bank makes sure that your children will always have access to their own stem cells.

If you're expecting a child, you might be thinking about storing your baby's cord blood stem cells. Why shouldn’t it? Cord blood banking is one of the most advanced ways to protect your family's health that you can do. Cord blood, which is high in stem cells, has the potential to be used as regenerative medicine in the future.

Sort out the facts from the myths and then make a decision about whether or not to store your child's cord blood stem cells. Cord blood banking is the process of storing your newborn's stem cells after birth, which are found in the blood of the umbilical cord.

When having a baby, parents must make many decisions, ranging from material ones (what pram to buy, what cot to buy, what colour to paint the room) to more serious medical ones. One of these medical decisions is what to do with the blood from the newborn baby's umbilical cord.