Being older is by definition a mother who is greater than 35 years of age at delivery. It does not matter that she or the couple has had other children before. The older male partner also has a part to play and the age and well-being of the father should never be overlooked.

Is sex during pregnancy really safe? Learn more on what are the risks and safety concerns pregnant mums face when they decide to have sex.

While a healthy baby is all parents could ask for, studies in the area of higher intelligence have started revealing why some babies are so incredibly smart. Have you ever wondered why there are some babies that meet developmental milestones at a very early stage?

You may receive lots of advice from friends and families and not all of the advice are factually correct and reliable. For more reliable resources you can turn to doctors, pregnancy-related websites and pregnancy books.

IVF treatment is the very first treatment tried when an egg donor is being used, there are severe cases of male infertility or a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked.

Social induction — an induction for the convenience of either the pregnant mother and her family or the care giver and the medical team. It is when labour is induced ‘electively’, and there is no clear medical reason for the induction.

By the third trimester, you would have gained much more pregnancy weight by now and your baby is developing at a faster rate towards your due date.According to expert articles, there is a co-relation to how much weight pregnant women gain during their pregnancy and rate of infant mortality.

Pregnancy can be demanding - placing a strain on your body. It is important that you prepare in advance so that you will have a satisfying experience & outcome. Ideally, preparations should begin even before you conceive.

From the day people come to know about your pregnancy you will be bombarded with well meaning – but confusing and always conflicting advice from friends, family, the annoying neighbors and that complete stranger when you are in departmental store.

The third trimester of pregnancy is going to be your final "home-stretch". Most probably you will be feeling worn out and more emotional than usual. Nevertheless, take it slowly so you do not wear yourself out and remind yourself to stay positive because your little one will arrive in no time!

You will make plenty of decisions during pregnancy and choosing where to deliver your baby is one of the most important choices to make! Most obstetricians are usually affiliated to one or more maternity hospitals, so it helps you to narrow down your choices by asking your doctor which hospital are they affiliated with.

Having a baby is truly remarkable and the journey is nothing short of a miracle. It is only natural to have concerns at any point during this life changing experience. For instance, you may be anxious to conceive, or could be apprehensive about childbirth.

The majority of pregnant women experience some degree of nausea and vomiting (70-80%) in the first trimester of pregnancy. Its severity can be a spectrum amongst different individuals and even during different pregnancies in the same woman.

For countless women, the joy of pregnancy is also intermixed with a fear of labour, and the pain that is necessary for delivery.This article will attempt to dispel certain myths and allay fears, that there are good and effective methods of pain-relief for labouring women.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can present in a few different ways during pregnancy. It is one of the most common medical problems during pregnancy, complicating up to 15% of pregnancies. Here are some facts that you need to know to take care of yourself and your baby.

It’s known that having a child requires some form of financial planning and resources as the financial cost of raising a child starts even before a child is born. Here’s a guide on the key cost components that you should expect from baby bump to delivery!

The term “cord blood banking” has been heavily discussed among parents lately. But what is it exactly and what can it do for you and your family? Stem cells are essentially the building blocks of the human body. The umbilical cord, which serves as the lifeline between mother and baby for 9 months, is an abundant source of these stem cells.

Breast milk is the "best food" for your baby and breastfeeding benefits mothers too. Breast milk contains all the nutrients such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals that your baby needs to grow healthy, in the exact quantity required for her age.

Morning sickness is a term used to describe nausea and vomiting that occurs during pregnancy. It affects about 75% of pregnant women and, despite it being called morning sickness, it can happen at any time of the day. Find out more on the commonly asked questions regarding morning sickness and pregnancy here!

Breast engorgement is one of the common problems experienced by mummies after the birth of their child. It is the feeling of tightness in your breast, which can result in hardness and pain. To help relieve these common symptoms, Dr Wong experimented with the use of cabbage leaves and cold gel packs.